Document Processing API

Process Business Bank Statements, ISO Applications, and other common financial documents related to credit and lending applications.

Only approved vendors of authorized applications can use our API to distribute our document processing features to their users. >Users can register and obtain credits for use in their authorized applications here. Qualified vendors can apply for access via this page.

Our processing engine can extract data from most ISO applications and return a JSON response for uses including (but not limited to): data entry, validation, and advanced underwriting features.
Currently we can process PDF, TIFF, PNG, JPG with 10 MB maximum file sizes for images and 20 MB maximum file size for PDFs.

In short, No. Currently we can process the majority of common US business account statements in PDF format only. We can NOT guarantee 100% of ALL banks and statement types.
Users only pay for successful document processing and will NOT be charged for any statement that is not processed successfully.

You can always suggest to your CRM provider to integrate with us.